Friday, December 13, 2019

Another day another game - Bataille Empire British vs French 1812 in Spain

Friday and another outing for Bataille Empire with Stephen and I.
I fielded French 1812 in Spain (essentially from Massenas army) against British force with Portuguese and Spanish in tow.
We both like these rules (obvious I guess ?) as they give a good Napoleonic game with nice depth and ticking a lot of 'historical' boxes for us, but we are struggling to assimilate (if that is best word) the rules and keep forgetting some stuff (embarrassingly very often the Command PIP dice !!) and coming up against some problems of interpretation of rules.
Some of this I think is possibly down to translation from original French rather than nature of the system itself, although more in the complex/involved type of game despite turns going much quicker now.
We do seem to spend quite a lot of time discussing what we think is or should be going on but I feel that if we persevere and learn the rules the rules will reward the time investment.
What we learnt from game today is that Artillery is fairly vulnerable to Cavalry and indeed Squares not immune.
Seems that if Cavalry contact an Artillery unit the guns lose cannister bonus (firing better as a supporting unit than a target) and die if beaten.
Squares whilst having a large combat bonus can potentially be destroyed by heavy or good quality cavalry and are in dire straits if Disordered (as zero combat bonus) which if Artillery nearby is a distinct possibility.
In both cases losing Cavalry suffers only an attrition when it is forced back so quite potent.
Cavalry however bit brittle with only 3 Cohesion losses (of course I forgot to count my Elite Berg Lancers as 4 Cohesion today !).
Game was an Assault with my 12 French units assaulting the 16 Allied units.
However in assault scenario 66pts (ie 1/3rd minimum from 200pt army) of defenders are off-table in reserve for 4 turns.
But this still had 10 Allied units facing my 12 and Stephen was fortunate to get a sort of terrain fort with set up dice.
We failed to finish as Stephen had to go early but French up against it once British Cavalry arrived with Spanish still uncommitted.

French attacking defended vineyard

French Light Cavalry thwarted by fortuitously placed defended wall (+2 to defender and -2 to Cavalry attacking across).

British half of table visible ith rough hill on left a stream, vineyard and the wall

French unit shot back from vineyard

The wall stymieing approach

Battle for vineyard continues

British Dragoons (heavy cavalry) have arrived and chased of French light cavalry

My Dragoons (out of sight lower left) failed to dent British right

French square has forced back a Dragoon but Berg Lancers wiped out by second Dragoon unit which as pursued forward Impetuously

French units suffering Disorders

Still unable to take the vineyard

And tomorrow its of to Johns for Lobositz with Black Powder


  1. You are making me envious indeed with the intensity of gaming since your retirement, Gary! :-)

    1. It has been and continues to be trememdous - board wargame tonight, WW2 minis on Tuesday then Naps on Thursday :-)
