Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Combat HQ rules first try

Game at Mikes with Tuesday night chaps (Mr B also attended) using Combat HQ rules.
I have had these since publication but never had opportunity to try.
Mike had set up a simple encounter game with US versus Germans in 1944, using his excellent 15mm kit and terrain, which equated to roughly a reinforced Battalion per side (unit stands are Platoons)
As game was catering for 6 players (Billy, Bryn and Simon also) we did not use spotting or blinds rules to make things easier.
An interesting set that plays nice and smoothly.
Bit like CoC in that you use dice to generate Orders with Staff Dice (assets essentially), whilst the combat systems are reminiscent of BKC/IABSM, although I am not a huge fan of buckets of dice armour vs firepower for tanks but it works at scale of game.
For instance the M10 fired with 7 (8?) hit dice needing a 4+ (varies of course) vs a Stug IIIG armour of 8 dice 'saving' on 4+ (5+ if suppressed), if firer scores more 6s than defender then this causes a suppression even if all hits 'saved'.
I had control on our left of 2 PzGr Coys (one in Sd251s) a Puma Plt, a Stug Plt and 2 PzV Plts of which the Panthers and foot Grenadiers started off table in reserve (a function of Staff dice is to bring on reserves).
I faced Bryn who had 2 M5, 3 Shermans and 2 Infantry Coys (I think).
Billy was on right with Simon in center in overall Command (ie controlled Staff orders).
They were faced by Mr B and Mike respectively.
Dice rolls decide how many Orders you get with 1s being dud and 6s being 'Wild Dice' (ie can substitute for other dice) and can be grouped into like numbered 'chains' that allow multiple actions.
A Command Group is up to 4 stands one of which is designated temporary leader.
Groups can only be activate once per turn (but can Opp Fire in enemy turn if not fired) but if chain used can perform multiple orders.
Activation is alternated between sides with assets such as Artillery being used at start of 1st friendly activation.
Movement is a fixed amount with a variable D6 added/halved/doubled (depending on unit type) and can be fairly large if chain used.
My Puma has a 6" fixed move with D6x2 variable for being fast (and maybe a 3" bonus on a road) so with a double chain used and high variable rolls it was able to zip along 27" on road on opening move.
Puma and Stug took up covering positions near farmhouse (an objective) to cover river crossing whilst Armoured PzGr advanced on left.
Bryn had a large hill a wood and some high hedges on his side so was able to approach out of sight.
I then got Simon to issue a Staff Order to bring on my Panther Coy which put the 'willys' up Bryn !
US artillery however gave my Inf a pounding and so Panther forged ahead on my left to intimidate the Yanks.
Stug and an M10 duelled all game failing to do more than Suppress each other.
My Panther killed one Sherman and forced an M5 to fall back but I then lost one to Bazooka fire as my infantry support was stripped away.
In center Simon slugged it out at distance and multiple artillery stonks with Mike.
Billy and Mr B had a ding dong Infantry battle in a town area.
Good game in good company once again and an intriguing rule set that I must delve into more, one of nice aspects to playing with new chaps is using untried/different rules.

View from table center (Simons PzIVs push forward)

Bryns force approaches

Billys Infantry occupy town

Gepanzert Coy moves (Panthers and other PzGr are off-table with their activation dice)

Stug advances along road (green marker for having activated/moved)

Simon occupies a field (red marker is suppression and yellow is point of aim for US artillery

Panzers vorwart !

Bryns tanks cowering (yes cowering like girls !!!)

Mike take central town

Mr B advances against Billys positions

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