Thursday, April 09, 2020

Field of Battle - Lutzen action heats up

Played another couple of sessions and things really getting exciting (even solo) !
Allies have destroyed 3 units of French now and 2 more routed (although one recovered) including the Berg cavalry wiped out in a single round of combat by the Russian Guard cavalry.
However directly after the Old Guard Dutch Lancers set to the Russians and routed them.
French had an excellent Melee card round routing 3 Russian foot units.
A unit of Russian Grenadiers had routed 2 French columns with a devastating volley and a charge but then found itself routed by 2 fresh Columns of Young Guard.
Klein-Gorschen remains in Prussian hands as French were shot off prior to assault.
Both commanders on this flank have fallen in the mayhem with lesser replacements now in charge and both struggling to bring their units back into command.
Allied left flank in danger of being flanked by a Young Guard Brigade.
Both sides have lost just over half their starting Morale Pools.
So much happened in these phases hard to retain the narrative flow but just so enjoyable to play through.

The genius of the odd vs even outcomes really comes to the fore cutting out so much extra dice rolling for morale tests and outcomes.
Extreme results can come to the fore but are tempered by the frequency (or infrequency !) of the card draws (French just cant seem to get an Artillery Firepower card) and indeed the old Piquet ‘peak fire/combat effect’ is apparent.
The better Allied deck has had some effect as several Lulls have went their way giving them some interruptive actions.

Encounter still in balance as both sides still have reserves to utilise although timing could be key as Morale Pool diminish......


  1. Wait - is this that same scenario where I routed the French Guard a year or so back ? Ohhh the shame...

    1. No that was Montmirail and yes twas indeed shameful !

  2. Great looking battle

  3. Outstanding action with lost of tension so far.
