Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Further game prep for ‘The Guard Counterattacks at Lutzen’ - Field of Battle

Decided to go with FOB for game and set up completed.
Rather than my usual classing all similar units with the same stats I decided to roll units up as per standard FOB with couple of minor tweaks (Russian foot classed as D8 defence but rolled as Regulars for combat stat).
More akin to classic Piquet and some interesting outcomes with some lowly units gaining high combat stats.
More ‘work’ involved but fine for a solo experience as more variety always helps, but I would likely keep standardised stats for ‘normal’ games.
French deck became Poor with a D8 General but sub commanders mostly good.
Prussian and Russians fairly average but with D12 General and a Skilled deck.
Units deployed (I made up a couple of deployments for both sides then rolled to select)
Nature of scenario has units starting pretty much eyeball to eyeball but Allies have some Brigades in Reserve.
Will get to action over next few days, as no real rush at present.


  1. Good looking table & armies on display here - Enjoy!
    Stay safe, best wishes,

  2. Looks good. Poor vs Avg is going to mean a lot of lulls...

    1. Actually Skilled vs Poor :-)
      But the French Brigadiers are better on average so should be interesting.

  3. Looks to be an epic battle!
