Friday, April 03, 2020

Field of Battle - Zorndorf Frederick triumphant

Completed my solo game of Zorndorf with Prussians coming out as clear winners (FOB generally gives a decisive result).
After a few initial wobbles the Prussian superior leaders came to the fore being able to rally off nearly all hits and restoring command, including Rallying a couple of Routing units (not easy to do in FOB).
Manteuffels Grenadier Corps eventually exited the Stein Busch and after some desultory Russian musketry they set to the task with cold steel punching a hole in Russian centre.
This despite Manteuffel falling from his saddle, as a Leadership card appeared right away and command was restored.
Kanitz and Dohna combined in attack on Russian left and whilst the failed to break through they did decimate Russian ranks with superior volleys.
Russian forces had a lot of units destroyed, pretty hard to Rally routers with lower Command levels (and a lack of Leadership cards).
It was however not bloodless for Prussians as they lost a lot of Army Morale points (at one stage far more than Russians), but they inflicted a lot more on the enemy who saw their Morale pool dwindle to nought and then failed their first Army Morale roll to end the battle.
The Prussians were on a mere 4 (3 plus 1 owed by enemy)
Biggest disappointment for Russians was the Cavalry Corps of Demiku failing to move several times and then once they got into a great position, outflanking their Prussian opponents, they failed (ie no melee or move cards) to capitalize at all !
This meant Prussians were free to manouvre as they wished.

Fun stuff and hoping FOB3 will appear soon for another game.



  1. Replies
    1. FOB/PK excellent for solo purposes

  2. Great looking game!
    You use a 3 bases (1.5"x1.5"?) for an infantry unit and also for cavalry (2"x2" base?). Do you use one or two bases for an artillery unit? Have you changed the distances from the standard QRS?
    I really like this idea as it would allow me to field more units for FoB2.
    Many thanks for posting so much on a number of interesting rulesets you know well and enjoy.

    1. Hi, all my 15mm SYW are based on 30mm squares both Cav and Inf (Arty on 30mm x 40mm). I use 4 base units (2 for Arty) for smaller games but 3 base (1 base Arty) for larger actions.
      Re QRS I generally double ranges and call it centimeters (which works out at about 70%) or else just use standard ranges.
      In this game I went with CM 'scale' as it suited scenario and table size (6' x 4') better.

  3. Thanks. Very helpful as I often have to use a smaller table.

  4. Just found this post. I love Zorndorf, I love PK FoB, what's not to like!

    Best Wishes and Keep Safe,


    1. One of my fav battles as quite ‘balanced’ and always fun to refight

  5. I'll have to look for review of FOB.

    1. Note a newer version now available (FOB 3rd Edition) although FOB2 is perfectly fine to use. Not sure if any formal reviews out there ? But check out the excellent Blunder On The Danube blog by Peter Gonsalvo which has a few very indepth playthroughs of full games using system including newest FOB3
