Sunday, August 16, 2020

Celebrating VJ Day with an Arab-Israeli game !!


Game today at Johns with the two Stephens and myself (Darren and Richard AWOL), using Seven Days To The Rhine rules and some very nice 10mm kit.

Game was set in 1973 Yom Kippur War in Golan heights area but not a specific scenario, an Attack vs Defend points based affair.

John and I were defending with Israeli forces against two Stephens with Syrians.

Lots of T55s and T62s against some Centurions and 'Super' Shermans with some Infantry on both sides.

7 Days set is a fun set which boils all the complexity of modern period down to a quick and playable level.

Of course a consequence is that a lot of stuff is very broad stroke but it works, although as with any such 'lite' set extended plays tend to reveal its limitations.

Game not quite finished (as lots of discussion/waffling) but Israelis much closer to their break point. it does seem quite hard for defender in 7 Days with the very basic to hit modifiers, essentially -1 for target or shooter Moving and -1 for any and all cover (no matter how dense etc).

Good fun in good company and great to get back to multiplayer game and associated banter.

Israeli lines with Hidden Markers

Syrian Recce Forces make first forays onto table

T55s and T62s advancing

T55s and Sagger team using limited cover

Israeli Infantry engaged in central village (the nominal objective)

Israeli Centurions appear on left (one brewed already)

Israeli Sherman with 105mm engages on right


  1. Nice game and good to see a game using the Seven Days to the River Rhine rules. We've only had one game with them but they seem to be relatively straight forward.

    1. Yes low complexity overall. They do have their limitations but do give a fast playing game.
