Another Maximus game with my Galatians facing off against Stephen's Selecuids.
What a bloody match up this proved to be !
Galatians are a good deal better than Gallic types with Devastating Charge, Short Spear and Melee Expert.
Pikes and Elephants on Greek side are also tough as are the Superior units of Companion Cavalry.
I made a boo boo on my initial Impact Phase by forgetting my lot had Short Spear so lost out on an 'Up 1' but discovered way too late and after too many combat rolls to rectify so just let things stand as they were.
I actually had decent rolls anyhow.
Things started bloodily with a unit of Celt Cavalry and a unit of Average Companions mutually destroying each other in one turn, with two opposing Generals also dieing !!
Selecuid mounted power began to tell although their two Elephant units proved brittle.
A too and fro bash in which we both needed to kill 5 TUGs to win.
I lost 5 but the winning Greeks had lost 4 so a close run thing.
Not sure how best to field some units in terms of width vs depth.
Is a unit of say 8 Warband foot better 4 bases wide and 2 deep or should one go 2-3 wide with some depth to absorb casualties ?
Part of me thinks having paid for Impact factors like Devastating Charge and Short Spear one needs to put it all in front line, but this can make units susceptible to quick deaths.
Tribal units like Galatians however need Yellow or better cards to expand/fill in gaps so those deep ranks not always easily usable and even if deployed they have lost Impact factors and generally outclassed in Melee phases by most other foot even with Melee expert.
Tis' a poser.
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