Friday, August 11, 2023

Holland '44 - a Vassal PBEM game started

Started a PBEM Vassal game with Mike with Holland '44 from GMT games of which we are just about to complete first full turn.

Bit of a learning curve for us both as new to game (although I have dabbled with other titles in the series) and to Vassal module (which has some very helpful aids).

Mike is the Allies and I the Germans and interesting so far (it is Market Garden after all !) and no idea if either of us playing optimally but look forward to seeing game progress.

Hopefully enjoyable and satisfying enough to push us into others in the series.

Whilst Pbem via Vassal can be a bit stop/go compared to an live session or face to face play its great not having to have game set up for weeks on end and being able to slot game sessions into any free time available.

This series of games by Mark Simonitch are firmly in the moderate complexity level but have nice depth without being too onerous to learn or play.

As with many such games there are several exceptions/special rules (airlanding and bridge blowing being obvious ones in this) and understanding the nuances of ZOC Bonds and Combat Modifiers takes a minute but adds to simulation feel.

Overview of game map (bit large for single screenshot)

Arnhem 1st Airbourne area 

82nd Airborne Nijmegen area

101st Airborne around Eindhoven

Last but not least 30th Corps begin moving up 'the wide part'


  1. Is it a complicated game? It looks it?

    1. Rated 6 out of 10 which seems about right. We are newbies with system but so far nothing overly complex, but situation adds to it with Paras, drop zones and limited supply, blowing bridges and terrible terrain for Tanks !! One advantage of Pbem with Vassal is you can take your time with game which helps with absorbing rules.
