Managed to get a couple of board wargames in today with that favourite system of mine COIN, I do so love the depth of play and decision making even when playing solo (I don't use the included bot systems as find them way too time consuming).
First up was Fire In The Lake playing the Full Scenario and this one concluded after 3rd Coup card with a VC win.
The very first card drawn was a Coup and this saw US and VC get a big boost with their Pacify and Agitate actions.
VC were able to increase their victory level steadily and a nice run of cards just prior to 3rd Coup left them in an unassailable position as I could not get any other faction to effect their progress in time.
NVA had just built up a huge Regular Force by that stage (35 of 40 available troop cubes) but never got to use this amassed power !
Then it was Colonial Twilight and trying the Medium Scenario (I usually play the Full scenario) which I think is a tougher task for the FLN as French well established on the board compared to Full scenario.
And so it proved as French garnered support faster than FLN could gain opposition and despite some losses to French troops they prevailed being 1 past their victory level with FLN only a couple shy of theirs.
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