Saturday, January 06, 2024

Ulster Wargames Society- Regimental Fire & Fury game 'The Sunken Road'

Club meeting today (held over from December) and I partook in a game of Regimental Fire & Fury run by Dave S using his terrain and 15mm troops.

Scenario was action at Sunken Road at Antietam.

Union attackers were led by Stephen, Dave B and myownweeself with Rebds commanded by Dave S and Billy.

Initial Union assault is led by mainly large Green units which are on hiding to nothing against 'dug in' Rebs with several Veteran units, so plan was to engage the sunken road positions with musketry (Rebs having mainly smoothbores gave Union range advantage with rifled types) and then to use reserves to turn Reb right.

And this is pretty much how it unfolded with Union in extended line essentially skirmishing against Rebs, until that is..........drum roll...............I got rush of fiery blood as usual and flung my Green troops in with cold steel  

They were predictably repulsed which saw Rebs, who now realised how impotent they were,  then emerge from sunken road to start chasing them off (but meant that Billy and I had some action other than firefight).

Dave B also launched several charges (Reb lines soften up better here with artillery support) with mixed but better results.

Stephen also charged with reinforcing Iron Brigade and other Union units and chunk of sunken road was captured forcing Reb reserves to that flank.

That how it stood when time called with things largely in balance but with both right wings folding.

Great game with good set of rules, although even after a full 11 turns played we had not fully finished game which is only real downside to F&F system.

Also at club were several other games (none of which I saw much of)

Usual Team Yankee game with Andy & Co (BAOR vs ?) 

A 28mm Sharps Practice game with two Jeremys and Bryn (and Mr A.N.Other ?) set in Italy during Revolutionary period. 

And a game of Blood Red Skies with Leslie, Paddy and Phil & son which looked like it was set in western desert ?


  1. A formidable looking sunken lane - excellent. Also, always enjoy seeing the other tables at the club.

  2. Green troops in assault? Sounds like a great time.

    1. They are strong in numbers (12 stands) but can become Worn and Spent rather quickly, it is what they had historically so fine by masochistic me :-)

  3. A very fine looking ACW game, as well as the others.
