Thursday, May 30, 2024

General d'Armee 2 - Ligny (St Armand) scenario

Another game using GDA2 today at Stephens trying the Ligny scenario from 100 Days supplement.

Tough scenario for attacking French (Stephen) as 4 villages (tough as nails) and defensive cover from fields and streams. 

Prussians (moi) hampered somewhat by having several Recruits and only 3 Brigades on table at start with one other as an on table reserve the other as a reinforcement but both these only activate on turn 6.

We managed 6 full turns (despite waffling about old job memories for over an hour prior to even placing any figures !) and then discussing how to use the 'Now Is Your Time' CinC Tasking as unclear to us at what stage the enhanced shooting occurs (I think it is preemptive but Stephen thought it was in later Volley phase - except for the one lead charging unit). Again not entirely clear from rules as could be interpreted either way.

As one can likely see we clearly enjoy the rules overall but frustrating that most every game throws up a rules problem we struggle to decipher/know how to play due to imprecise wording.


  1. Smashing looking game.

    1. Cheers, Napoleonic games (and horse and musket in general) always look the part no matter the ruleset, as always a certain grandeur to proceedings (even in 15mm). I love WW2 but much more sparse looking or often with units in hiding :-)

  2. Yes, the settimg is fabulous. Too bad the rules are irksome.

    1. Thanks. GDA produces a nice flavoursome game but I do yearn for the ease of FOB at times, but mate really likes so we persevere :-)
