Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Field Of Glory Renaissance - Imperial Catholic versus French

Game at Stephens today using FOGR (he was inspired by games at Warfare) which we have not used for ages.
I fielded my Early Imperial Catholic force and Stephen choose French.
A very good game with a set of rules that whilst on the complex side of things generates a very plausible Thirty Years War game.
Terrain fell ok for me which allowed me to place my Field Guns in newly acquired Redoubt (Field Fortifications).
I massed my mounted on my left hoping to break his flank which was mostly Impact Horse whilst sending my Late Tercios to contest center and essentially refusing my right flank.
Things actually started well once contact made with Stephen suffering from several Death Rolls but tellingly he managed to pass associated Cohesion Tests and I could not break through his mounted wing.
On my right it was fairly static until one unit of French Shock Foot routed a Tercio despite being down to 4 bases.
This seemed to inspire his other foot how took out my center Tercios in a couple of turns (my horrible Cohesion rolls not helping as I went down 2 levels in a couple of key combats).
Try as I might I could not get rid of his horse despite out fighting them with my Kuirassiere.
I did manage to Fragment a couple but at this stage my Army was defeated.
Enjoyable game overall and surprisingly we had no issues recalling rules despite several changes (all for the better we both thought) to troop interactions and suchlike.


  1. Looks good! What year have you based your french army on?


    1. Dont actually know as was mates army ? But it was 30 Years War matchup so expect whatever list compatible

  2. Nice looking game Sgt!

    1. Nice period with some unique troop types
