Thursday, January 23, 2020

Conan - board game

At Johns last night and played Conan boardgame which was new to me and a enjoyable light fantasy based game it is and having read a few Conan stories as a youth I had at least a cursory knowledge of the background story.
Game was a kickstarter project I believe and has resulted in a rather well produced game with lovely double sided maps and components including a ton of plastic minis (and some artwork to lure 15yr old boys !)

Game has several hero characters including of course the man himself each of which has a variable control/battle board and set of skills/weapons.
Players co-operate against an Overlord (games master) who also has a battle board and a ‘river’ of minions that again vary in type and abilities dependent on scenario.
Resource management in form of ‘Gems’ is at core of game as players spend their gems (9-11 depending on character) on activities such as movement (which is by sector) ranged attacks, melee, defensive and are combined with a host of traits/special abilities and weapon or spell (spit) cards.
The Overlord operates in similar fashion with costs to activate varying depending where on his ‘river’ his minions start each turn.
The gems are regenerated at varying rates each turn and can be permanently lost via damage.
The game has its own 6 sided dice (somewhat like Commands and Colours) with varied levels of hits or misses with some dice colours being more powerful than others and abilities allowing possible re-rolls and suchlike.
Gameplay is fast, easy and intuitive with players able to interact and combine actions.
Overall a nice light quick playing game with nice ‘kit’

First scenario had our team of 4 heroes (Darren 'Le Duc', Richard, Stevie P and yours truly) in a 2 level castle (?) labyrinth in the dark (torches available but not used) hunting for a baddie Amon Heth (? controlled John as Overlord) who had map we needed to find Conan who was actually not in scenario as had been captured.
I had a female (sorry non-gender specific person in female form and lack of attire - essentially a coin bikini), now that really is role play for those that do/don't know me !!
She was called Bilit a sort of Pirate Warrior I believe.
We managed to kill a number of Scorpions and some Assassins before mugging the baddie who Bilit managed to dispatch with a coup de gras and obtained the required map.
This meant a race to the exit which proved very straightforward as she could move 6 sectors with use of gems and as the Overlord left the exit unguarded Bilit just walked out the door.

Second scenario was in a Stygian camp at top of a cliff with a damsel in distress (Kings daughter) needing rescue (don't they always).
This one gave the Overlord (John again) some rather tough minions including a large snake and some bloke wearing skulls who had a powerful armour level of 3 meaning we had to gang up on him and spend a lot of Gems to inflict damge instead of minor annoyance upon him.
This time I had Shervas (?) a sort of Conan wannabe and the dude himself was abiding under control of Stevie P.
Conan is as one would expect/demand an awesome character but also a magnet for not just chicks but copious amounts of baddies who John threw at him in relentless waves.
Bilit (Darren this time) and I came to his aid leaving Richard (whose Cleric looking characters name escapes me) to search for the damsel although her location not hard to discern.
Think this scenario could see ultimate sacrifice of 1 or 2 heroes to achieve goal.
As it was Richards Cleric did get to the required hut which was guarded by 4 Pict warriors.
He used an area effect spell/weapon (some sort of flame blast) to obliterate the minions but this of course killed the Princess (was late so ended things quickly/abruptly) although scenario not specific as to her having to be alive or dead or additionally slightly on fire when returned :-)

Fun night with light fun game.

The lair/dungeon at set up with scorpions, stabby assassins, scorpions, guards and big baddie (alone of left - BO problem ?). Upper half is lower level than bottom half.

The heroes activate (the lighter grey figures upper areas) and bespoke (feck I hate that word !) dice visible. 

Second game with wolves (Wargs), a bloody big Snake, numerous Pict warriors and rock hard baddie (with big stick bottom right)

Conan on extreme right (UKIP voter) Note the pics do not do justice to quality of artwork or components. Bilits 'control board' with Gems partially visible

Scrum around Conan develops quickly. Overlord 'battle board' visible with 'river' of minions and supply of red gems.

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