Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Out with the old in with the new.......setting up a Seven Years War game

Last day of 2019 was spent setting up a SYW game for first game of 2020 (on 2nd of January).
Set up is for Zorndorf August 1758 a battle I have played several times with Might & Reason, Minden Rose and Field Of Battle, but now giving (Le Duc look away now !!) Black Powder 2 an outing.
I will of course use my Russians with the 'dice demon' (what am I thinking with BP !?) fielding the Prussians.
Scenario is gleaned from that contained in M&R set so units are roughly Regimental in size.
Also playing on somewhat bigger area than usual, 6 1/2' x 5' instead on 6' x 4' for no other reason than I had this sized mat still on table from Mondays game.
We will be using our SYW BP house rules (not many) and 1/2 measurements for our 15mm troops.

Russians are deployed awaiting arrival of Frederick's force...............


  1. Lovely - look forward to some action shots.

  2. Good luck. Watch that flank. Looking away now...

  3. Anonymous5:59 pm

    You're doomed!

  4. I love some 18th gaming. Looking forward to how it plays out.

  5. What a great wat to bring in the new year!

    All the best with your projects for 2020

    French Wargame Holidays
