Monday, March 01, 2010

Black Powder rule test SYW

Quick test of Black Powder rules using my Seven Year War Russians against Stephens Prussians.
Quick terrain set-up from Warfare in Age Of Reason set and Points Costed armies (around 1370pts each)
Not played to completion.
Some nice systems in the rules and they play fast and flow well (can see ideas from Field Of Battle, Warmaster) but a major howler we felt was being able to move up to enemy and then shoot them to bits without them having a chance to reply !
So we changed sequence of play to have Shooting first.
Only other concern was that Charges seem overly desirable but easy fix to disallow versus Steady Inf or similar.

Prussian Right Wing Currassier Brigade
Russian Left Wing Infantry & Horse Grenadiers


  1. Interesting about firing first- I had spotted that problem. Do you fire before the command phase, and allow initiative after firing?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi

    Sorry just saw this comment.

    We simply put Shooting phase first in turn and kept everything else as is within phases. Seemed to work ok but it may have unintended consequences we did not encounter ?

