Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sabre Squadron first try

Had first try with Sabre Squadron rules with a US vs USSR match up circa 1985 (this is about as fantasy based as I get) at Stephens.
Used his excellent 10mm kit and terrain (got to love the roads) and I had a defending US force against Stephens hastily attacking Soviets.
Yanks had a Troop of 4 M60A3s with 1 Platoon of Infantry with mix of SAW/LMG/Assault Rifle stands in M113s with couple M901s and support from 107mm Mortar battery (but no dedicated FOO), they were all Superior troops.
Soviets had a Tank Company of T80s (10 tanks ?) and essentially a Company's worth of Infantry in BMP1 with battery of 122mm in support, Ivans were Regular troops.

Couple of queries re opening bombardment and buildings that not clear in rules as to level of cover afforded (or not) but we resolved by not setting the Yanks up in the buildings.
An enjoyable system but I did struggle with its pure IGO-UGO method especially the lack of any form of opportunity/overwatch fire (seemed rather odd for modern setting) but overall a decent game.
Rules have good variation of AFV weapon vis armour types although this is ultimately superfluous as once hit most things die horribly, but does give the 'impression' of making a difference.

Not a great deal of troops/AFVs needed for a reasonable sized game which is a plus.


  1. 'A Fistful of TOWs' has all the overwatch, cover from buildings and two way interaction during player's turn that you are searching for in a modern game...

  2. Have you played FOTows ? ie does it do what it says on the tin or too much process ?

  3. Just looked over FFT3 and looks to be best for large 6mm games (ala Spearhead) not sue it has enough granularity/meat for smaller games? Must give it a try though with WW2 stuff
