Saturday, February 01, 2020

Rapid Fire - Normandy scenario at Elimination Club

Game using Rapid Fire II (a set I have not used since before I started this Blog !) tonight at Elimination Club.
Very much a last minute venture as unsure if I could make club and then seemed as if no other games on (as it turned out a massive Black Powder League of Augsburg 12mm game took place).
I found a small (1 Battalion a side) Rapid Fire 'official' scenario for an action on 28th of July 1944 near Grainville during Op Epsom that I used my 15mm kit for.
Action sees 9th SS Kampfgruppe counter attacking elements of 15th Scottish Division dug in around a Chateau near Granville.
Was unsure of how so small a game would play with RF but twas fine.
I played with Chris who took the Germans and I the British (only right and proper of Brexit Friday !).
Game play is fast and furious with RF despite my struggling to recall several parts of it, especially Artillery which has changed a tad from initial version, with the 9 square grid being  no more (expect for rockets) and the standard 4" target circle used.
Game is still essentially '6 hits 1 misses' type deal but no 'worse' than say Battlegroup with less rules overhead or quirks/gimmicks.
A good solid WW2 game overall.
British held out against the SS who suffered from my off-board 25pdrs only managing to take 1 Objective whilst losing all their armoured support with 2 Panther troops, a Flamewerfer PzIII, and a Sd251/9 all falling foul of some uncharacteristic good rolls (has the worm turned !!??).
British lost several Infantry and 1 Churchill with another suffering Light Damage.
The Anti-Tank/Armour system is as basic as I recall but fine for what it aims to do (pardon the pun) and there are several alternative versions around but not sure worth complicating a simple system.

Churchill Squadron advances passing the Chateau

9th SS appear

Dark 'road' standing in for a railway line.

Table tennis table gave plenty of space for game

Defender dug in around Chateau (red marker indicate those on Reserve Fire)

A Churchill Troop brewed as another suffers Light Damage 

But SS Panther are now burning !

Germans occupy village on their left

As British do same on their left

The other club game was a huge affair (12' x 4' ?) with several players and a ton of 10/12mm figures (think a combo of Kallistra and Pendraken ?) on table along with some very nice wooded areas (courtesy of Shane I believe ?).
The 10/12mm stuff is getting very close to old 15mm in size but the animation and detail is impressive.
Black Powder being used although I thought they were building these forces for War Of Three Kings set ?
Impressive and all I know is Simon's wing held whilst compatriots centre and other wing collapsed, but as to who was how or what I am at a loss as too busy fighting Nazis !
Strangely these pics turned out better than those of my own game....................


  1. Great photos mate, that ancients game is huge!


    1. Not Ancients set in late 17th Century (War of Grand Alliance also known as Nine Years War or wars of League Of Augsburg) anything set in or around 1690 is big in this neck of woods :-)

  2. Good to see Rapid Fire game. ...and you mean there are more people interested in the 9YW ...Outstanding!!!

    1. RF does what it says it does and good for club time slot but rather basic WW2 overall
      Chaps have a club painting and collecting project ongoing with 10mm but they use Black Powder your ‘fav’ set !!!
